Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Sense of Place

For sense of place we had to mat our prints into a pattern that gave the interpretation that you could see parts of the whole area you were photographing. I chose a car show room and this is the matted result. Unfortunately a part of it is cut off.

Hands and Feet - Rule of Thirds.

We were told to take a roll of hands and feet and to keep in mind the rule of thirds. I did not really like this roll as I do not particularly like hands and feet. Also it was hard to keep an image interesting if the hands and feet were the subject. I tried to make mine interesting by including and axe and to set it outdoors.

Shutter Speed

We were told to go out and take pictures experimenting with our shutter speed as we did so. This meant that we could either set the speed to low, and get a blurred image, or very high and get some frozen action.

These are the two images I produced.

Friday, December 3, 2010

High contrast

I took my high contrast roll in a garage at low light. I tried to make the shots interesting and I think I achieved that.

We solarized our prints.

Interesting Backgrounds

For our next assignment we had to do people with interesting backgrounds. But I didn't know what to do and I had to think about it.

I chose to make a print of a person standing in the foreground with a view up the street. I think I captured leading lines well and had a relatively interesting background.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Depth of Field

Assignment 5 : My 5th roll was to do with depth of field. I took photos in my house and tried to change the depth of field which means the amount that is in focus.
This picture is of an apple and I tried to make it abstract and just have the apple itself in focus and the rest of it blurred.

In this image I tried to just have the cowboy in the picture frame in focus. This has a short depth of field and the angle of the shot makes it  quite an interesting image.

Leading Lines

Assignment 4 : For our 4th roll we had to take leading lines pictures, this means that we had to find a picture where lines lead the eye. I chose a train and a building on the Corner to do it.