Monday, October 18, 2010

Depth of Field

Assignment 5 : My 5th roll was to do with depth of field. I took photos in my house and tried to change the depth of field which means the amount that is in focus.
This picture is of an apple and I tried to make it abstract and just have the apple itself in focus and the rest of it blurred.

In this image I tried to just have the cowboy in the picture frame in focus. This has a short depth of field and the angle of the shot makes it  quite an interesting image.

Leading Lines

Assignment 4 : For our 4th roll we had to take leading lines pictures, this means that we had to find a picture where lines lead the eye. I chose a train and a building on the Corner to do it.


Assignment 3 : For assignment 3 we were told to frame our subjects and to think about them carefully. I took my photos around my lake and on the Corner in Charlottesville.

I took my first image by my lake, I thought to frame my dog between my two sisters and thought it would offer an interesting alternative to the regularly used framing techniques.

I took my second image on the Corner near UVa. This particular image was taken on the lawn across the street from the Corner. I framed the tree in the distance with two of the trees that were closer to me.


Wednesday, October 13, 2010


 Assignment 2: We were told we had to go out and take pictures of architecture around town. I went downtown and took some from different angles and chose these images to print.

My first image was taken downtown, it's a picture of one of the old buildings from a low angle. I set it against the ground and shot upwards to create an interesting angle.

My second image was similar to the previous in the sense that it was from an angle but it was hard to develop because of the contrast with the building and the sky.